Persistence Out of Necessity “As the time approached for him to be taken into heaven, Jesus resolutely set out for Jerusalem.” Luke 9:51 This month my wife and I, along with our two daughters, flew down to Ft. Moore, Georgia to celebrate our youngest son’s graduation from the Infantry Basic Officers Leadership Course. We were of course delighted and proud to celebrate this important stepping stone with him. The challenge, however, was in getting home for that was the Sunday of the terrible thunderstorms and flooding in the New York area. We soon found out that there were no flights going in or coming out of Newark Liberty Airport. Yes, our flight got cancelled! Immediately we starting scrambling to make alternative arrangements to get home. We quickly found out there were no fights going out that day which was Sunday. In fact, there were no flights the next day either! Well there was one; we could fly to Chicago and after a long layover fly to Newark and get in at 12:07 am on Wednesday! No, that is not acceptable! The possibility for Wednesday flights was also tenuous. Oh, and guess what? The hotels were booked too! We were determined to get home. I wasn’t going to stay the night in the airport! So, we turned to the rental car option. The second car rental dealer we contacted had a car available. We grabbed it and were on our way. Fourteen hours later, on Monday morning we were returning the rental at Newark and getting into our own car for the final leg home. Later on, our determination to overcome all challenges and barriers to get home reminded me of Jesus determination to get to Jerusalem and secure our salvation. I thought about how resolute we were and how we decide that nothing was going to stop us. We were determined! That gave me a little window of insight into Jesus’ determination. I know that our determination was a mere fraction of what Jesus had. Jesus was far more determined and had far more ability to bring his will into reality. I invite you to think of a time when you were bound and determined to do something. I hope you accomplished it. But now realize how much more determined Jesus was to bring salvation to you. That is amazing! Just think about how much Jesus loved you and loves you! Luther reminds us, “for all this it is my duty to thank and praise, serve and obey him.” May that thanks and praise be manifest in our lives as a determination to serve him first and proclaim his gospel through his church and in our lives. NJDU and Homecoming On June 17th we had an outstanding “Homecoming” event at Redeemer Lutheran Church, Westfield. First, we thank redeemer for their generous hosting. Second, we rejoice in the people attending from so many of our churches. We had an awesome time of learning as Rev. Billy Brath led us in our plenary sessions and Rev. Brad Hildebrandt helped us with being a purposeful and meaningful Church Council. We also had valuable time in which we divided into groups (Pastors, Elders, Presidents and Council members, Treasurers) where we learned and shared about our respective responsibilities. Our intention is that this is not just a single event but that it is the beginning of us regularly gathering together for learning and sharing. Part of the plan is to build well-functioning Elder Boards, Councils and church leadership structures. Together we will grow into better equipped and more effective church leaders. Our regular NJDU congregations will resume their meetings in August at Bethlehem, Ridgewood. The theme for the month will be Communication and Experience Design. Participants will explore communication strategies and resources as they seek to build an annual communications plan. In addition, they will learn the theory of experience design and explore ways to keep members and guests focused and connected to Jesus while participating in our church ministries. This is the 4th of seven NJDU sessions. Official Visits Official Visits are a key component of a District President’s ecclesiastical supervision. My plan is to visit every congregation once in the three-year convention cycle. For NJ that means about 17 congregations a year. I already have seven visits scheduled through September and will be sending out invitations for visitation to another seven for this fall. I have been delighted to see how rapidly congregations have been to respond to the invitation and how eager they are for a visit. I enjoy and look forward to these times of sharing. District Short Clips The summer is a bit slower than other times of the year but there is a lot going on in the District. Here are a few things to keep you abreast of what is happening. The following congregations are in the call process: The Rev. Peter DeMik of Laurel, MD has accepted the call to Bethlehem, Ridgewood. He will be installed on Sunday September 24th at 4:00 pm. St. John, Bloomfield and Calvary, Verona have received their second call list. Four other congregations are at various points in preparing to receive their first call list. The Fall District Pastors Conference has been scheduled for Thursday October 26th at King of Kings, Mountain Lakes. Rev. Dr. Rick Serina will be our speaker for the day on the Order of Creation. This is the subject of the newest CTCR Document of which Dr. Serina was the primary author. We look forward to the insights he can share with us on this important subject. Preliminary plans are being made for the presentation to be accompanied by a Bible study that pastors can use in their congregations. Preliminary discussions have occurred to revive our youth gatherings. If you would be interested in contributing toward the planning of these events please let me know. In addition, a cooperative confirmation program is in the works. Congregations who have small numbers of confirmands and would like to join with others in forming a larger class should contact Pastor Steve Vera. Please do so soon since classes will start in September. 2023 Synodical Convention Once every three years (four in this cycle because of co-vid) Synod holds it national convention. The event will take place this year in Milwaukee from July 29th – August 3rd. Each of our four Electoral Circuits is allowed a voting pastoral and lay delegate. The Board of Directors is also allowed to send two non-voting delegates. While the purpose of the convention is to be educational, inspirational and motivational, the majority of time is taken up by the consideration of the resolutions being brought before the convention for action. Our delegates gathered on Saturday June 24th at King of Kings, Mountain Lakes to discuss the issues and prepare to vote and participate. We are ready and excited to be heading to Milwaukee! As important as preparing for the convention is, we are also preparing to bring the convention back home with us to you. Our Board of Director representatives will be monitoring the resolutions and discussions noting which of them directly relate to our District and which one relate to our congregations. These resolutions will be evaluated and prioritized in light of our own District’s goals. Both the District Board, and you as congregations, will be able to join the conversation about the ones you desire to prioritize and implement in your ministry. We are hoping in this way to bring Synod, District, and congregations closer together. In related action, Rev. Matthew Harrison was reelected to a 5th term as Synodical President. Each congregation had one pastoral and one lay vote. On the first ballot President Harrison was elected with 51% of the vote. Congratulation President Harrison! Furniture Available Renovations to the District Office are coming to a conclusion. The offices were in dire need of a facelift after many years of service to us. Over the last year and a half, we have painted, replaced the carpet and flooring, replaced some of the furniture, and added new artwork. We want the District Office to be a place where we are proud to welcome friends and guests. As a result of this work, there are a few items that are on their way out. While they are not needed at the District Office any more, they may be serviceable for others. Available are two end tables, a coat rack, an olive wood Jesus and a lamp. If you are interested in these items please call Elaine at the District office and tell her of your interest. Preference will be given to a churches or non-profits. A picture of the available items is below. Conclusion
Determination, resolve, persistence; there are many words to describe the strong desire to get something accomplished. We are thankful for our Lord initiative and determination to accomplish our salvation. We pray for the same kind of resolve as we seek to make our churches effective ministry centers and live for him. Peace be to you, Bishop/President Gewecke |