A Child is Born, A Light Shine 2 The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who dwelt in a land of deep darkness, on them has light shone. 3 You have multiplied the nation; you have increased its joy; they rejoice before you as with joy at the harvest, as they are glad when they divide the spoil… 6 For to us a child is born, to us a son is given… Isaiah 9:2-3, One of my favorite parts of the Christmas celebration is the Sharing of the Christmas Light on Christmas Eve. The sanctuary lights are turned off or low. All that glows is the light from the Christmas tree and the light form the candles on the altar. The Pastor lights his candle from the altar and shares it with the ushers who in turn share it with the gathered. “The Lord be with you.” “And also with you.” is spoken as the light is shared and spreads throughout the sanctuary. The tradition captures the meaning of the verse above from Isaiah 9; the people who walked in darkness have seen a great light. Joy is increased, a child is born, a son is given! Throughout the service we sing of the wonder of this night. God become flesh! God with us! God for us to bring his mercy! For on this night we not only remember a birth but the purpose for this birth and where this child is heading. Yes, he is heading to a throne before which every knee shall bow but by way of a cross. On this cross he will give his very life which was given on this night. This is God’s gift for you and to you. A child is born. A light shines. A savior is given. This message will be proclaimed in many ways in our churches this Christmas. May I add another for your inspiration and edification? Recently my wife came across a poem called Noel by J.R. Tolkien. We are fans of his writings and well aware of the biblical worldview from which he writes. It is no surprise that another of his works was discovered in 2013 that gives voice to our faith and the joy of Christmas. I share it here with you. A blessed Christmas. May the light shine brightly on you and overwhelm you with the joy of Christ’s birth. Noel by J.R.R. Tolkien Grim was the world and grey last night: The moon and stars were fled, The hall was dark without song or light, The fires were fallen dead. The wind in the trees was like to the sea, And over the mountains’ teeth It whistled bitter-cold and free, As a sword leapt from its sheath. The lord of snows upreared his head; His mantle long and pale Upon the bitter blast was spread And hung o’er hill and dale. The world was blind, the boughs were bent, All ways and paths were wild: Then the veil of cloud apart was rent, And here was born a Child. The ancient dome of heaven sheer Was pricked with distant light; A star came shining white and clear Alone above the night. In the dale of dark in that hour of birth One voice on a sudden sang: Then all the bells in Heaven and Earth Together at midnight rang. Mary sang in this world below: They heard her song arise O’er mist and over mountain snow To the walls of Paradise, And the tongue of many bells was stirred in Heaven’s towers to ring When the voice of mortal maid was heard, That was mother of Heaven’s King. Glad is the world and fair this night With stars about its head, And the hall is filled with laughter and light, And fires are burning red. The bells of Paradise now ring With bells of Christendom, And Gloria, Gloria we will sing That God on earth is come. Hurricane Helene Relief We are very pleased to announce that $31,895 was gathered from individuals and congregations of the NJD toward Hurricane Helene relief. Of that amount $12,810 was eligible for matching funds. A total of $44,705.61 has been sent to the Southeast District of the LCMS (includes all the coastal states between Delaware and South Carolina) for distribution to their congregations, church workers and communities who have experienced loss. NJD Congregational Lay Deacon Program On November 17th at Redeemer Lutheran Church, Newton we were please to celebrate the installation of Peter Naumowicz as a NJD Congregational Lay Deacon. Peter is the very first individual to complete the NJD Congregational Lay Deacon training. Under the Pastoral Supervision of the Rev. Brian Handrich, Peter is certified to assist the pastor in congregational ministry including the teaching of Bible Class and assisting in worship. The Congregational Lay Deacon Training Program is open to both men and women who would like to further their theological understanding and practical ministry training. Classes are online each Tuesday evening with some breaks for holidays. Taken without interruption the program can be finished in two years. This is not a program toward ordination but a training program to enhance the abilities of lay people toward greater congregational service and assistance to the pastor. The goal of the NJD is to have at least one Congregational Lay Deacon in each congregation of the District. NJD Work Plan IDM (Initiative for Ministry Development) is a significant part of the NJD Work Plan. In fact, it is not going away when the new strategic plan in unveiled, rather it will be another element in fulfilling the Healthy Congregations target. Healthy congregations will always have a well thought out, focused, and implemented ministry plan. As the old axiom says, “Those who fail to plan, plan to fail”. The NJD is determined to help congregations develop ministry plans unique to their settings. We do not present plans to a congregation to enact but, instead, teach and guide a process in which congregations can address the needs of their members and the community. SCC (Small Church Clarity) and NJDU (NJ District University) are ways in which the ministry planning process is taught to and worked on with congregations. Once a congregation has completed either SCC or NJDU they are able to participate in the Advanced Studies that are periodically offered. These Advanced Studies help congregations to start and/or develop their congregational systems and ministries. The next Advanced Study to be offered will be a Ministry Cycle Planning event. This will be held on Epiphany, January 6, 2025 at 6 pm at King of Kings, Mountain Lakes. The evening will include
Congregations completing the process will also then be prepared to participate in ongoing Advanced Studies with the other SCC/NJDU participants. Please call the District Office to express your interest in participating. Mission Trip to Tijuana This month, I had the opportunity, along with a number of other District Presidents, to go on a brief mission trip to Tijuana, Mexico. While there we visited Inglesia Lutherana Cristo Redentor (Pastor Job Jimenez) and the missions of Lutheran Border Concerns (Pastor Ramon Contreras) and the San Diego Mission Society (Rev. Dr. Tardelli Voss). We also had the opportunity to converse with (through an interpreter) the President of the Mexican Lutheran Synod, Rev. Isaac Garcia. All of our hosts were most gracious feeding us tamales for breakfast and tostados for lunch. They were most delicious. The Mexican Lutheran Synod nearly went out of existence in recent years with congregations shrinking, properties being lost, and hope waning. But recently there has been a renewal in spirit and activity. Over the past five years 40 pastors have entered training for the pastoral ministry and many missions have been started. The excitement of new life and of sharing the gospel with the Mexican people is evident in both the pastors and the people. We even met a father and son team who together have entered the seminary to become pastors. We were very sad to hear that Pastor Job Jinenez’ newly born son has spina bifida. The public health system doesn’t have the expertise needed for proper care and the private system costs more than they could afford. As a group we decided to gather funds from our Districts to help with this need and also to help with the funds needed to repair the roof on the parsonage. I would like to invite you people of the NJ District to participate in this effort. The portion needed from NJ is $2,500. You can send gifts to the NJD 1168 Springfield Ave. Mountainside NJ 07092 or give online through the District website (Use the “Give Now” button and look under “Donations”). District Convention 2025. The NJ District Convention is scheduled for June 12-14, 2025 at the Crowne Plaza, Edison, NJ. The theme for the convention is Grace from Grace: Loving Our Neighbor, “You shall love… your neighbor as yourself”. Luke 10:27b This theme embraces the four targets of our new strategic plan with special focus on the third that directs us toward sharing the gospel with our neighbors and especially those of ethnic groups different than ourselves. Nomination Forms have been sent to each congregation in the District. Congregations should be using the months of December and January to elect a delegate from their congregation and nominate others for positions in the District. The Deadline for returning the form is January 31st. Nomination are being received for:
![]() National Youth Gathering. Time is growing short for youth to register for the 2025 National Youth Gathering. Our goal for this Gathering is 75 youth from across NJ. Plans are well under way but there is still time to get in on the fun and spiritually enriching adventures. This year’s theme is “Endure”. Hope Dunbar and Pastor Steve Vera are our District coordinators. Hope may be contacted at [email protected]. She is happy to help you with questions or information about the Gathering and registration. If you are a congregational youth worker and have a group attending the Gathering please let Hope know. She will make sure your youth are included in any information dissemination or District events at the Gathering. If you have a small group from your congregation and would like to join another group Hope can help with that too! Congregational News
November Council of Presidents The most recent quarterly gathering of the Council of Presidents was held at Concordia University, Chicago. The Presidents were able to meet, worship and tour the campus. I came away impressed at how well the campus was kept and the educational program offerings that are available to students. All of our Concordias are working hard to make higher education more affordable especially to our church workers. I was especially blessed by the beauty of the chapel and the quality of the worship there. District Short Clips Official Visits. All of my Fall Official Visits are complete. Currently 21 official Visits have been completed. Another seven congregations have been invited to schedule an Official Visit for the winter/spring months. The only others who have not been visited are those who are vacant or have a newly installed pastor. As these pastoral vacancies are filled they will be included in the visitation. Special arrangements may be made for congregations with longer vacancies. Office of National Missions. This month I will have the opportunity to travel to St. Louis for a special meeting of the Office of National Missions. Staff from all 35 Districts have been invited to participate to hear updates and presentations on opportunities afforded by the Office of National Missions and to give feedback and suggestions. I am looking forward to gaining insights into Synodical opportunities for our District and returning with more resources for our ministry together. Conclusion
A danger in this month of December is that we become so occupied with the business of Christmas that we fail to properly participate in the preparation of Advent and celebration of Christmas. I know it may be hard, especially if you have children at home, but do take some time to reflect on the message of this season. Midweek Advent services are meant for this very purpose. Attend at your church or if you don’t have them in one of our other NJD congregations. The Lord be with you, President/Bishop Gewecke |